Stock Up With

NextGear Capital funding is now available on, a well-established trade only auction website that features franchise dealer stock, where  you can benefit from no subscription fees and all vehicles have full video appraisals with audio commentary. The site also features intelligent bidding with a 30 second extension to the auction for bids in the final thirty seconds as well as a click to buy.

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How it works

  • The site has full video appraisals with audio commentary; all vehicles have video appraisals for traders to view the cars in detail without having to travel.
  • All stock on the site has multiple images with zoom functionality.
  • Bidding – Once approved you can bid using Intelligent Bidding allowing you  to place or increase proxy bids at any point during an auction. Intelligent bidding will then automatically submit current bids on your behalf during the auction at the lowest amount possible, up to and including your proxy bid using preset bid increments. This means that you will be able to buy cars for less than the proxy bid, subject to other bidders not matching or exceeding that amount. It also means that you do not have to log in at the end of an auction to increase your current bid. Of course, you still have the opportunity to log in to monitor current prices and submit live bids if you prefer.
  • Last 30 secs – Any bid placed in the final 30 seconds of an auction will extend that auction by a further 30 seconds. This now includes Intelligent Bidding so that any bids that are automatically placed in the final 30 seconds will also extend the auction.
  • If you win – the auction you will get notification by email that you have won a vehicle and can go into ‘’previously won’ and you can then go on to pay using your NextGear Capital account.
  • Buy it Now -If a vehicle has not met reserve it will be displayed as buy it now with a fixed price. If you confirm you wish to buy it you will get notification by email that you have won a vehicle and can go into ‘previously won.’
  • Collection – Once payment  is received vehicles will need to be collected from the collection address displayed on the invoice within 5 days.
  • Register – To purchase you need to register with DealerPX (Trade only) .

For further details contact Chris: 07968139472 Or take a look at the FAQ’s