BLOG: Customer Service

At this moment in time customer service is a hot topic, with customer satisfaction being at its lowest point since 2010. Companies are always talking about their customer service, how great they are and how they listen to their customers, but what do businesses actually do about it?
What I like to do is ask my team, and I recommend you do this exercise, to think about your last customer interaction, take time to reflect and ask yourself the following questions…
Did you listen to the customer?
- Did you make the customer feel valued and did you give them your undivided attention?
- What feedback would the customer give about you and their experience?
- Did you thank the customer for their call?
- Did you answer all the questions the
customer had? - Did you deliver on promises made?
A common misconception is that customer service is just for the customer service team or the sales team as they are the ones in ‘customer-facing’ roles. However what about the ‘back office’ employees that don’t have any direct contact with customers but support the frontline staff who do? The need for all departments to understand how they influence the experience of a customer is critical to a business truly providing exceptional service.
I believe it is important to take time to consider changes that organisations can make and the impact this would have on the customer experience. Through making small changes to customer interactions we can make a big difference
to culture.
At NextGear Capital as we continue to grow our focus is on giving our customers a reason to keep doing business with us. With this in mind we aim to:
- Make it easy for customers to do business with us and to ensure we assist them with their Stocking Plan, enabling them to stock more and sell more.
- Take time to listen and encourage feedback to make our products and processes even better.
- Always ensure we address any issues at the first time of asking.
- If we make a promise and said we are going to do something, make sure
this happens.
Value your employees and they will value your customer and they will value your company.
Thanks for reading!
Rosemary MacDonald
Customer Service Manager