Managing my Stocking Plan

Help Managing my Stocking Plan

I’ve forgotten my login/password for my Stocking Plan – how do I log in?

After clicking Login in the top navigation menu on the website, you'll see the log in screen for the Stocking Plan management system (WFS). Simply click on the link titled 'Forgotten password?' underneath the log in box and follow the instructions to reset your password

I’ve forgotten my log in/password for the website – how do I log in?

After clicking Login in the top navigation menu, simply click Forgotten password? and follow the instructions to reset your password.

How do I download NextGear Capital onto my iPhone?

Just open your browser and key in Once you have our home page visible on your phone, click on the  key in the banner at the bottom of your screen.

When the banner opens up to display a series of options, choose add to homescreen and then click Add. A shortcut to the NextGear Capital website will appear on your Home Screen in the first available space. Just click onto the shortcut to go straight to the website.

I need more information about using WFS, is there any guidance?

WFS has lots of information that can help you manage your Stocking Plan. To help you find what you need, we’ve put together some guides to walk you through the system.

Of course, if you’d like any further help, please call your Account Manager directly, or our Customer Service Team on 0343 50 60 600 and they’ll be able to help answer any questions.

Some of my details have changed, what do I have to do?

If some of your details change, such as contact information, bank details or your insurance provider, just call our Customer Service Team on 0343 50 60 600 to let us know so that we can update your records.

Remember, if you do want to change insurance provider, we have a list of approved insurers, so make sure you speak to your Account Manager or our Customer Service Team if you're planning to switch and we can provide the latest list.

Once my Stocking Plan is live, what do I have to do?

Once your Stocking Plan is set up and running, maintenance is very important and you need to make sure you keep your information up to date.

Please let us know about any changes to details such as your contact information, insurance and bank details. To help remind you, our Customer Service Team will contact you annually to run through supplying your insurance renewal documents and you can find a list of approved insurance companies here.

For more information, please call Customer Service on 0343 50 60 600.

Who is responsible for settling an outstanding finance agreement?

If the vehicle is subject to an outstanding finance agreement, we will require full clearance from the finance house before it can be added to your Stocking Plan. Vehicles must not be added to your Stocking Plan unless they are on your premises and paid for. The title must belong to the dealership so that clear title is then passed to NextGear Capital.